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  • Address: 5th Floor, Building D7, Innovation Industrial Park, No.800 Wangjiang West Road, Shushan District, Hefei City
  • 邮编:230088
  • 电话:18919659329
  • Email: 362755336@qq.com
  • Product Name:Guan Jiapo Industry and Trade ERP

    Product category:Guanxi ERP system

    Product Specifications:

    Product Price:¥元

    Order Hotline:18919659329

Product description

Product characteristics

Simple operation

The business display is simple and clear, and the function operation is easy to use

Process specification

Help small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce management costs and improve operating efficiency

Safeguard control

Multiple rights control to avoid information leakage, ensure clear rights and responsibilities

Implementation specification

The implementation of standardization significantly reduces the implementation cycle and improves the implementation effect

Function introduction

Production data management

Manage students based on BOM and process plan, inventory and processProduce basic data to support production operations

Pre-production planning

1.Through MRP analysis of order demand and immediate demand, flexible control of production plan, outsourcing plan and purchase plan, reduce inventory backlog, accelerate inventory turnover。

2.Through MRP and equipment capacity planning, through visual scheduling, ensure the orderly progress of production tasks, avoid stoppage and material, and delayed delivery caused by insufficient capacity。

3.Plan the production according to the process plan and BOM, divide the production unit, control the production schedule and improve the production efficiency。

On-going production control

1.Control the material return and finished material consumption according to the task order, and flexibly control the material removal in the workshop to reduce the material waste in the production process。

2.According to the process decomposition, the designated work is assigned, and the production workshop is divided into multiple work units to improve production efficiency。

3.Counting work tickets according to task order, supporting the calculation of piecework/hourly wage by employees。

Post production analysis

1.Multiple methods of cost collection, flexible cost allocation, can more accurately support the calculation of product costs and profits。

2.Flexible report query system, support real-time query of production progress, workshop spare materials, and cost composition details。

5s product concept

共享:Integrate enterprise business, track and manage the whole process, share information, and improve management efficiency and efficiency。

规范:Standardize the production management to help the production process run smoothly, economically and efficiently to ensure the smooth completion of the production plan。

保障:Build a guaranteed information system, manage important data information, and form a business system with clear rights and responsibilities and transparent management。

敏捷:Improve the flexibility of enterprise resources, quickly respond to market demand, establish a linkage mechanism between production, supply and sales, and improve the efficiency of capital use。

简约:Oriented to the actual production enterprises, with simple and flexible operating experience, help managers to deal with production management affairs in an orderly manner。

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*Indicate required

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