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  • Product Name:Pupu/Popular edition

    Product category:Guanxi purchase-sales-inventory system

    Product Specifications:

    Product Price:¥元

    Order Hotline:18919659329

Product description

Guan Jia Po Pu Pu/popular edition

Guan Jia Po Pu Pu/popular editionPopular by the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, sales and inventory, financial management software。The software takes full account of the small scale of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, the actual situation of manpower shortage, using a special "fool finance" concept design, simple operation, easy for everyone to use, as long as you understand the business can manage accounts.

Know the ins and outs of every item and penny。

Live application
Documents, reports, interface, menu customization。

Easy to use
The process is simple and clear, and the operation interface is simple and easy to use。

A long shot
Gross profit, inventory, all data at any time, easy to make decisions

Mode of use

Purchase control Purchase order, return order, payment order...
Sales management Sales notes, receipts, cost of sales statements...
Inventory management Overflow report, loss report, inventory upper and lower limit alarm......
Money flow management Cash expense statement, unit receivables and payables, balance sheet...


Application value

Product upgrade

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Buy: Pupu/Universal Edition

*Indicate required

Regional product
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