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  • Product Name:Brilliant II

    Product category:Guanxi purchase-sales-inventory system

    Product Specifications:

    Product Price:¥元

    Order Hotline:18919659329

Product description

Housekeeper brilliant edition

With the purchase, sale and inventory management, the simple and easy to use operation interface combined with the standard financial module, integrating the functions of purchase, sale and inventory, finance, debit and debt, commission, membership, promotion management and so onBody to help smes achieve financial and business management

Functional highlight
Purchase, sales and inventory management

Consignment selling, borrowing and lending, reporting excess and loss, inventory transfer...

Current management

Unit receivables and payables, period management, current reconciliation...

Alarm management

Account date, inventory, shelf life, delivery date...

Light industry

Hardware building materials sub-unit management, computer communication version serial number management, food version taste management, leather cloth version detail code management......

Management main line

Operation process

Opening the account

System data

Basic information

Opening data


Daily business management

Purchasing management

Sales management

Inventory management


End-of-term treatment

Monthly balance

Annual balance

Product upgrade

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Buy: Brilliant II

*Indicate required

Regional product
One-touch dialing